Saturday 5 March 2016

beyond !Learning - the beginning?

Well, not really. I first thought about starting a blog a couple of years ago when I did the Grad Cert in Applied eLearning and wrote reflections about the Special Topic I had chosen, but figured it was enough to use the forum within that online course. Here I am again, easily 6 years later starting another reflective Special Topic study, this time for the Grad Diploma in Tertiary Teaching.  (as well as a foray into discovery about how research works)
I've been using Google+ since July 2015 and really like the Community features, so why not take the plunge and actually start blogging!

A great inspiration to me is the blog that Selena Chan from CPIT began in 2005 for her own digital learning  journey: learning elearning which I first came across after attending a workshop with her (as it happens, also in July last year) about enhancing teaching and learning practices. What an amazing record of her journey with mlearning, research projects and so much more progress over the last 11 years! I'm sure she'll pop up more in this blog as my own journey unfolds.

About the title of this blog - inspiration from Marc, my better half. I can always rely on him to interpret my vague notions into a creatively succinct piece of genius, and it's so much fun when he gets it and articulates what I had back there in my head somewhere. Thanks Marc!
I hope to be able to share many moments of realisation here that will transport us to another layer of understanding.

To stop waffling: it is so easy to ramble on when you first start - after all I am beginning by talking to myself! But I was intending to reflect on what I am learning and thinking about that learning journey. 
2 questions 2 topics - one for research purposes and one for Special Topic.
I had quite a few half thoughts since July and December 2015, and spent the last 3 weeks wondering what would pop out.
This afternoon  2 came out:

  1. How can we encourage deeper learning by students when their time for learning is getting more compressed? - Special Topic
  2. How can we define the effectiveness of reflective writing for a practical course by students? - Enhancing Professional Practise Through Research
They'll need some refinement but for a first day I'm happy

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